Cookery Book Author, Culinary Historian and Independent Food Consultant and Trainer in Anglo-Indian Cuisine

March 31, 2021


Mustard Mango Pickle Ingredients 6 to 8 medium sized mangoes 100 grams green chillies (wash and dry) 50 grams yellow […]

Mustard Mango Pickle
6 to 8 medium sized mangoes
100 grams green chillies (wash and dry)
50 grams yellow mustard
2 tablespoon fenugreek seeds
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
6 tablespoons salt
1 cup Sesame oil or refined oil
½ cup vinegar
½ cup sugar

Dry roast the fenugreek seeds and mustard.
Once they are cool, grind together with the green chillies to a paste with the vinegar
Wash and dry the mangoes well.
Cut them into medium size pieces.
Throw away the seeds.
Mix the mango pieces with the turmeric, salt, the Chillie-fenugreek-mustard paste and sugar in a stone jar and leave aside for a week.
Shake the jar everyday so that all the mango pieces soak well. Mix with a wooden spoon.
After a week, heat the oil in a pan till smoky. Cool and pour over the pickle in the jar.
Mix well.
The pickle is now ready for use.

Article written by Bridget White-Kumar
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