Cookery Book Author, Culinary Historian and Independent Food Consultant and Trainer in Anglo-Indian Cuisine

April 5, 2021


2 kgs or 6 to 8 medium sized raw green mangoes
6 or 7 tablespoons chillie powder (use the less spicy variety)
2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds
3 teaspoons mustard seeds
½ cup salt
1 cup Sesame oil or any refined oil (use mustard oil if desired)
Wash and dry the mangoes well.
Cut them into medium size pieces. Throw away the seeds.
Mix the mango pieces with the salt and transfer to a stone or glass jar to soak for 4 or 5 days.
The Mango pieces would change colour and become a little soft.
When ready to use, transfer to a large bowl.
Dry roast the Fenugreek seeds and mustard seeds in a pan till warm
When cool, powder roughly in a blender.
Mix the chillie powder and fenugreek powder together with the soaked mangoes. Mix well
Heat the oil in a pan and let it cool completely.
When cold, pour over the pickle and mix it well
Wait for a couple of days for the flavours to soak in before using the pickle

Article written by Bridget White-Kumar
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