Cookery Book Author, Culinary Historian and Independent Food Consultant and Trainer in Anglo-Indian Cuisine

August 16, 2013


Devil Chutney is a fiery red chutney or sauce. Its bright red colour often misleads people to think that is […]
Devil Chutney is a fiery red chutney or sauce. Its bright red colour often misleads people to think that is a very pungent and spicy dish. It is actually a sweet and sour sauce and only slightly pungent. The vinegar and sugar react with the onion and red chillie to produce the bright red colour. Devil Chutney is also known as ‘Hell fire or Hell’s flame chutney or Fiery Mother-in-law’s Tongue Chutney” due to its vivid colour.

2 medium size onions chopped roughly
1 teaspoon red chillie powder
1 tablespoon raisins (optional)
2 teaspoons sugar
A pinch of salt
2 tablespoons vinegar
Grind all the above ingredients together till smooth. If chutney is too thick add a little more vinegar. Serve with Coconut Rice.

Article written by Bridget White-Kumar
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