Cookery Book Author, Culinary Historian and Independent Food Consultant and Trainer in Anglo-Indian Cuisine

November 25, 2012


Today the 25th November 2012  is STIR UP SUNDAY. Stir Up Sunday is also known as Christmas Pudding Sunday. Stir Up Sunday falls on the last Sunday before Advent. Advent begins 4 Sundays before Christmas.
Christmas Puddings were traditionally always made on Stir-up Sunday which is the last Sunday before Advent begins.
The Christmas Pudding is traditionally made with 13 ingredients representing Jesus Christ and his 12 Disciples. The Christmas pudding is stirred from East to West in honour of the 3 wise men who came from the east to visit the Savoiur child
Every member of the family gives the pudding a stir and makes a wish. A coin, a ring or a thimble are sometime added to the pudding mixture. The coin and thimble  supposedledly brings luck and wealth to the person who gets it in his / her piece of the pudding on Christmas day, and the finger ring would foretell a wedding to the person who gets it.
So get your ingredients ready and everyone join in to stir up the Christmas Pudding .
An easy recipe is given below
Serves 6 Preparation time 1 hour
200 grams fresh bread crumbs                     
200 grams butter
2 teaspoons instant coffee (Nescafe or Bru) 
2 teaspoons golden or date syrup
½ teaspoon baking powder                            
2 eggs beaten well
¼ cup rum                                                       
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, cloves and  nutmeg                           
100 grams raisins
100 grams chopped sultanas                         
100 grams mixed peel
½ teaspoon salt                                              
100 grams sugar
Cream the butter and sugar together then add the eggs and mix well.
Gradually add all the other ingredients and mix well.
Grease a Pudding Mould or any suitable bowl with butter and pour the pudding mixture into it.
 Steam the pudding for about 1 hour on low heat till it is firm to touch
Note:  This pudding can be made in advance and refrigerated till required. Steam for 10 minute or microwave for 3 minutes before serving.
For a more exotic taste, when still warm make a few small holes all over the pudding and pour about 6 tablespoons of rum over it.
 This recipe is from my recipe Book THE ANGLO-INDIAN FESTIVE HAMPER
Article written by Bridget White-Kumar
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