Bridget White, an expert in Anglo Indian cuisine. Express photo by JITHENDRA BRIDGET WHITE-KUMAR – COOK BOOK AUTHOR AND FOOD CONSULTANT (ANGLO-INDIAN CUISINE) Bridget White-Kumar is a Cookery Book Author, Anglo-Indian Food Consultant and Culinary Historian. She has authored 7 Recipe books on Anglo-Indian Cuisine. Her area of expertise is in Colonial Anglo-Indian Food and she has gone through a lot of effort in reviving the old forgotten dishes of the Colonial British Raj Era. Her 7 Recipe books are a means of preserving for posterity, the very authentic tastes and flavours of Colonial ‘Anglo’ India, besides recording for future generations, the unique heritage of the pioneers of Anglo-Indian Cuisine. Her Recipe bookANGLO-INDIAN CUISINE – A LEGACY OF FLAVOURS FROM THE PASTwas selected as ‘Winner from India’Under the Category: ‘BEST CULINARY HISTORY BOOK’ (COUNTRIES) by GOURMAND INTERNATIONAL SPAIN, GOURMAND WORLD COOK BOOKS AWARDS 2012
Bridget is also an Independent Freelance Consultant on Food Related matters. She has assisted many Restaurants, Hotels and Clubs in Bangalore and elsewhere with her knowledge of Colonial Anglo-Indian Food besides helping them to revamp and reinvent their Menus by introducing new dishes which are a combination of both Continental and Anglo-Indian. Many of them are now following the Recipes and guidance given by her and the dishes are enjoyed by both Indian and Foreign Guests.
Bridget also conducts Cooking Demonstrations and Workshops at various places across the country such as Clubs, Restaurants, Women’s Groups, Corporate Offices, etc.She is always ready to share and talk about Recipes and Food.