Cookery Book Author, Culinary Historian and Independent Food Consultant and Trainer in Anglo-Indian Cuisine

September 4, 2018


ALMORTH OR BUFFARTH – MIXED MEAT STEW This dish is a mixed meat stew made with a combination of meat, […]

Almorth (Mixed Merat Stew)


This dish is a mixed meat stew made with a combination of meat, chicken, pork and vegetables. It’s a very old Anglo-Indian recipe. However, any combination of meat could be used as per personal preference. The same recipe could be used with chicken only. This Stew was a must have for Christmas Breakfast in almost all Anglo-Indian Homes in the olden days and was eaten with bread or rolls.

Serves 6    Preparation Time 1 hour


¼ kg Beef

¼ kg mutton / lamb

½ kg chicken

¼ kg pork

A few carrots and beans chopped into medium size pieces (or any other English vegetables)

3 potatoes peeled and cut into quarters

2 teaspoons chillie powder

½ teaspoon turmeric powder

2 teaspoons pepper powder

1 teaspoon coriander powder

4 dry red chillies broken into pieces

2 teaspoons chopped garlic

2 pieces cinnamon

5 cloves

3 onions sliced

2 tomatoes chopped

2 tablespoons chopped mint

3 tablespoons oil

Salt to taste

2 tablespoons coconut paste

2 tablespoons vinegar

Cut the meat, chicken and pork into small pieces. Heat oil in a pressure cooker or a suitable vessel and add the onions, cinnamon, cloves and chopped garlic. Fry till the onions turn golden brown. Add the mutton, beef, chicken and pork together with the chillie powder, turmeric powder, pepper powder, salt coriander powder and tomatoes and mix well.  Fry till the tomatoes turn to pulp. Add the broken dry red chillies, mint and the coconut paste and mix well. Add sufficient water and cook till the meat is soft. If cooking in a pressure cooker, cook for 10 minutes (6 to 8 whistles). Now add the chopped vegetables and vinegar and simmer on low heat till the vegetables are cooked and the gravy is thick. Serve with rice or bread.

Article written by Bridget White-Kumar
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