Serves 6 Time 45 minutes
5 or 6 Chicken Sausages
2 medium size onions sliced finely
2 teaspoons ground pepper or cracked pepper
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons oil
Boil the sausages in a little water then them cut into bite size pieces.
Heat oil in a pan & add finely chopped onions and chopped garlic till the onions turn golden brown. Add the sausage pieces, pepper and salt and mix well. Simmer on low flame for about 4 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally) till the sausage pieces take on the pepper and garlic flavor. Serve as a starter or appetizer
Note: If desired, you could add pieces of capsicum also while frying the onions and garlic to give it a different flavor.