Cookery Book Author, Culinary Historian and Independent Food Consultant and Trainer in Anglo-Indian Cuisine

April 14, 2019


VANILLA SPONGE CAKE WITH BUTTER FROSTING There's nothing quite like sharing generous slices of mouthwatering homemade cake with family or […]
There's nothing quite like sharing generous slices of mouthwatering homemade cake with family or friends at Easter. A simple recipe for a melt in the mouth Vanilla Sponge Cake with creamy butter icing which would leave one craving for more than a slice. (I made this cake and the Easter Eggs for a feature in the Bangalore Mirror for the Easter Sunday Edition)
250 grams plain flour or Maida                 
200 grams powdered sugar
250 grams unsalted butter                                         
4 eggs beaten well
½ cup milk                                                    
1teaspoon baking powder
1.5 teaspoons vanilla essence
¼ teaspoon salt
 Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together.
Cream the butter and sugar together.
Add the beaten eggs and vanilla essence and mix well.
Fold in the flour a little at a time till well combined
Add a little milk if the mixture is too thick.
Pour into a greased and floured cake tin and bake for 40 to 45 minutes till the cake is done.
Remove from the tin when cold by inverting over a plate.
Keep aside for at least a day before Icing it.
Beat 200 grams butter and 500 grams icing sugar together until creamy.
Add one teaspoon vanilla essence and 2 drops pink or any other food colour of your choice.
Using a spatula, cover the cake with the butter icing. 
Then with a wet fork make soft peaks across the surface of the icing.
Decorate as desired


Article written by Bridget White-Kumar
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